GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences; Institut des Sciences de l’Univers-Centre National de la Recherche CNRS-INSU (2006): IPOC Seismic Network. Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile - IPOC. Other/Seismic Network.
Victor, Pia; Ziegenhagen, Thomas; Oncken, Onno; Gonzalez, Gabriel (2017): IPOC Creep. GFZ Data Services.
Klotz, Jürgen; Deng, Zhiguo; Moreno, Marcos; Asch, Günter; Bartsch, Mitja; Ramatschi, Markus (2017): IPOC cGPS - Continuous Mode GPS data in the IPOC Region, Northern Chile. GFZ Data Services.
Asch, G.; Tilmann, F.; Schurr, B. and Ryberg, T. (2011): Seismic network 5E: MINAS Project (2011/2013). Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ. Other/Seismic Network.
Heit, B.; Yuan, X.; Kind, R.; Asch, G. (2007): Lithospheric Dynamics in the Southernmost Andean Plateau (PUDEL). Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ. Other/Seismic Network.
Mittelstädt, J.; Victor, P. (2020): Active fault database for the Atacama Fault System (N-Chile) as basis for tracking forearc segmentation. GFZ Data Services.
Moreno, M.; Bedford, J.; Baez, Juan C.; Klotz, J.; Hoffmann, F.; Deng, Z.; Urrutia, i.; Rojas, C.; Shrivastava, M. (2017): Survey Mode GPS data in the IPOC Region, Central Andes, Chile. GFZ Data Services.
Münchmeyer, J.; Bindi, D.; Sippl, C..; Leser, U. Tilmann, F. (2019): Magnitude scales, attenuation models and feature matrices for the IPOC catalog. V. 1.0. GFZ Data Services.
Richter, N.; Nikkhoo, M.; de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E.; Walter, T.. R. (2016): Terrestrial laser scanner data covering the summit craters of Láscar Volcano, Chile. GFZ Data Services.
Sippl, C., Schurr, B.; Asch, G; and Kummerow, J. (2018), Catalogue of Earthquake Hypocenters for Northern Chile Compiled from IPOC (plus auxiliary) seismic stations. GFZ Data Services,
Sippl, C.; Schurr, B.; Münchmeyer, J.; Barrientos, S.; Oncken, O. (2023): Catalogue of Earthquake Hypocenters for Northern Chile from 2007-2021 using IPOC (plus auxiliary) seismic stations. GFZ Data Services.
Walter, T.; Gaete, A.; Lara, L.; Mikulla, S.; Kujawa, C.; Zimmer, M.; Allahbakshi, M. (2016): Lastarria volcano experiment. GFZ Data Services. Other/Seismic Network.
Walter, T.; Gaete, A.; Mikulla, S.; Kujawa, C.; Salzer, J.; Zimmer, M. (2014): Seismic monitoring at Lascar volcano after 2014 Iquique earthquake. GFZ Data Services. Other/Seismic Network.
Wigger, P.; Salazar, P.; Kummerow, J.; Bloch, W.; Asch, G.; Shapiro, S. (2016): West--Fissure- and Atacama-Fault Seismic Network (2005/2012). Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ. Other/Seismic Network.
To access seismological datasets, please visit the European Integrated Data Archive EIDA and select Explore Stations in the upper left. Next, select All permanent nets for Network Type and CX for Network Code. The availabllity of temporary networks in the framework of IPOC is indicated at the network pages in GEOFON.
To gain access to any other than seismic data, please get in touch with the respective contact person.